I haven’t posted in a while … and now need to learn new features in WordPress. And you should learn the history about Peter Billingsley, otherwise known as Ralphie in A Christmas Story.
The new movie is great :) dsdsxsssssxsxsssxssxxxsxxssxx
I haven’t posted in a while … and now need to learn new features in WordPress. And you should learn the history about Peter Billingsley, otherwise known as Ralphie in A Christmas Story.
The new movie is great :) dsdsxsssssxsxsssxssxxxsxxssxx
Consuming an interesting new selection of some old music you would enjoy dad. Keeping it simple… and loud. Happy would be 67 years old. Your grand daughter is funner than you were – seriously. Love you.
Say goodbye to the 100 Watt incandescent light bulb. Read up on the past and the future of LED light bulbs in this article from Wired Magazine in August of 2011.