The Golden Power Hour

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8 years ago we went on a mission in Golden, Colorado … a mission to accomplish as many activities in 1 hour as we possibly could. Welcome to the Golden Power Hour. This video is unique because you can’t do this anymore … you can’t visit Golden Bowl anymore … you can’t buy Apple computers at the Colorado School of Mines Bookstore anymore and you certainly can’t visit the original Tequila’s anymore :( Hell, you can’t even shoot standard definition 4×3 video anymore and upload it to YouTube in 360p. Fortunately, since 1873 the Coors Brewery Tour has been a staple in the ever changing Golden community and they still offer you free 3 samples of Cold Coors Banquets every day. Cheers, Happy Holidays, Let’s grab a beer!

My Highest Bowling Score (278)

Greg Hydle's Highest Bowling Score

April 4th, 2013 is the day that I almost retired from bowling. After Pizza and Beer League play at Golden Bowl, Donovan Rossi and I stayed late to work on our game. I’m pretty sure Donovan had a personal best a couple games before I bowled my 278.

Tonights 10 games of Golden Bowl bowling looked like this…

238 144 181 163 191 170 195 179 236 278

…for a night average of 197.

I’ve never gone 9 deep… therefore I’ve never gone 9 deep and dorked it in the 10th :(

Until that illustrious 300 perfect game, Cheers.
-Greg Hydle