TED – David Blaine – Breaking Records

[YouTubeUlar] <— 1,235,349 If you ask David Blaine what magic means to him - he may answer you with this...

“It’s practice, it’s training and experimenting. While pushing through the pain to be the best that I can be.”

But he is going to take 20 of your minutes and travel through several amazing stories describing how he accomplished holding his breath for 17 minutes and 4 seconds before he gets there.


World Record – Flying 808 feet

Which version gives you the best emotion?

[iDevice Link <— 93 (Zero Announcer)
[iDevice Link] <— 291 (English Replay)
[iDevice Link] <— 976 (Unknown Language Live) Congratulations Remen Evensen for setting the second world record at Vikersundwhat on this day - an amazing ski jump. 246.5 meters (808.73 ft) is ridiculously large and by all means nearly flying. this day Thanks to Pierre-Alexandre Rousseau for the link.