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Category Archives: Ideas
FYTB Masters Gold
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FYTB teamed up with the Masters and made inspirational gold for anyone who swings a golf club. I put Leslie June to bed with this last night and she woke up wanting to watch it again… and again and again. It’s Masters week :)
Props to you Tom Brady.
Where does greatness begin?
There is no specific place.
No exact location you can pinpoint on a map.
True greatness starts within.
With a dream.
Dreams are not some fleeting thought or ambitious notion.
Dreams are alive living inside each of us.
Relentlessly pursued.
Fueled by passion.
And with enough support and self-dedication.
Dreams are confronted face to face.
Defining us in the most important moments of our lives.
Greatness isn’t found at a certain place.
True greatness is measured by where our dreams take us.
Somewhere others could never see.
Inside yourself, you knew what was possible all along.
Jackson Hole – Kings and Queens
[YouTubeUlar] <— 329,674
How to throw an innovative and successful ski & snowboard contest … with both Men and Women.
1 – Let it snow
2 – Target a window of time
3 – Choose iconic location
4 – Let the athletes be judges
The 1st annual Kings and Queens of Corbet’s Couloir freeride competition took place during a window of time from July 31st to February 4th, 2018. The actual contest was held on February 1st and 25 athletes took the plunge into one of the worlds most famous ski runs.
Judged on three basic criteria — Speed, commitment and degree of difficulty of line, followed by innovative and progressive maneuvers with control and stomped landings revealed only a single champion King and one female Queen. After an athlete deliberation viewing party and video presentation of all the runs … King Karl Fostvedt and Queen Caite Zeliff were crowned champions.
This was a fantastic event to socially follow … each athlete had their own versions of instaStories to reveal what it was really like to be at and compete in such a great event. Jackson Hole at first rewarded the men with higher pay-days … but after some simple griping from the women they quickly corrected their decision and matched the same winnings to the women. I can’t really say I fully support this decision – but it was the socially correct thing to do.
11 months later, Jackson Hole finally released this video recapping the event … and in perfect timing to amp for the 2nd annual Kings and Queens of Corbet’s to take place during the February 10th – February 16th, 2019 window.
[Jackson Hole King and Queen Info]
2018 Kings and Queens of Corbet’s Results:
1st – Karl Fostvedt
2nd – Sander Hadley
3rd – Mikey Marohn
4th – Forrest Jillson
5th – Hans Mindnich
6th – Griffin Post
7th – Cam Fitzpatrick
8th – Blaine Gallivan
9th – Blake Pau
10th – Mike King
11th – Jeff Leger
12th – Teton Brown
13th – Chris Logan
14th – Ryan Cruze
15th – Mark Carter
16th – Coen Bennie-Faull
17th – Rob Kingwill
18th – Griffin Dunne
1st – Caite Zeliff
2nd – Kara Munsey
3rd – Hana Beaman
4th – Veronica Paulsen
5th – Tami Razinger
6th – MacKenzie Lisac
7th – Sophia Schwartz
Drone Awesomeness
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Hey Bob … thanks for sharing this today. What a series of fantastic backwards events in this video. This is all I have … Just a nice place for me to find this video in the future.
20 Years of the Salomon TenEighty
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The first two minutes of this Salomon TV tribute to JP Auclair and the history of the Salomon 1080 is filled with ridiculously awesome banger quotes. Take your pick, and enjoy the flick.
“JP JP JP JP JP JP JP” — Everyone
“I think the greatest thing you can do with one of your friends is to remember them in your hearts and in your minds… and here everybody is and I think it’s just the coolest thing ever. I really do.” — Blake Jorgensen
“Thank’s a lot everyone for coming out on the 20th anniversary of the New Canadian Airforce and honoring a great man … JP Auclair.” — Mike Douglas
“Here we are, Blackcomb wind lip session … it’s been a long time since I’ve seen something like this go down. It’s a throw back to the old days, the tribe has rallied… it’s just good to be here man, it feels like old times.” — Feet Banks
“It’s awesome to see everyone getting fired up, just sending it, just strictly out of love for him.”
“Vinny and JP’s and Szocs and Mike, they are just on the next level”
“Every single trick they did was groundbreaking and never been done before… and what really stood out for us is that a lot of the shots we saw were in Whistler”
Well, this is where we kind of learned a lot of this stuff. So to be back here exactly 20 years later is super super cool.” — Mike Douglas
“That was the first back flip mute I think I’ve done in about 10 years … that one was for JP” — Mike Douglas
“My back is sore, my shins will be sore… and I need a masseuse and a hot tub. I can’t do those hard landings anymore.” — Shane Szocs
“Back to 97 baby!” — Mike Douglas
“Back when skiing was just furry boots and malt cider and like kind of FIS bullshit, these guys stepped up, they turned it around, they took it backwards.”
“And that’s what made them rad.”
“A guy once told me that anything less than 20 years old is just news, it’s not history. And it’s been 20 years now since the TenEighty came out so… I guess we’ll see.” — Mike Douglas
“I sense snowboard coming really big two years ago like all new tricks I was like fuck man – should I change for snow board but, like I said in my mind – ah fuck there is something to do with skiing. There’s not because we got pole that we can’t grab so… last year I started to do flip like mistys and rodeo and I think skiings awesome and we can kick snowboards ass easily.” — JF Cusson
“Skiing was pretty much dead in the 90s, snowboarding was taking off.” — Jonny Moseley
“Skiing was your parents sport. Nobody — No one young with energy or that was cool was getting into skiing.” — Mike Douglas
“And the New Canadian Air Force came along and they invented twin tip skis … and that just like set it off.” — Jonny Moseley
Ian Ruhter – American Dream
[VimeeeeeeeeO] <— 214,000
The American Dream video is based on the fear of success, this thought is extremely powerful, fear has the ability to cripple us from pursuing our dreams. The moment I embraced my dreams it was as if the universe had drawn people to help us and share their stories. Our goal is to tell the stories of the people who live in America.
“If that one little idea is in your head that’s saying I can’t do it … that’s disability right there.”
– Oscar Ricardo Loreto Jr. – @oskervoid
“It’s just like the old way of doing things … just barter and trade.”
— Ian Ruhter – @ian_ruhter
Speed Kills – Your Pocketbook
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Grant Savidge, how on heavenly interManEARTHs did it take me 4 years to finally view this video!? Thanks for sharing.
Six7Films dude up in el Canadia … solidly amazing work my friend :)
9/11 Amanda Capper National Anthem
[YouTubeUlar] <— 464
4am 9/11 Remembrance Media … Remember that time we Capper’d Salt Lake City on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. Wow – I watched this on repeat for an hour tonight thinking about awesome things we have done with the power of friendship. When good people and friends come together, we can accomplish some pretty amazing and emotional things. Brian Gold Show Goldrich, thanks for having the power of microphones and believing in a random idea to do something good like this for the pure awesomeness of our country. The fact we were able to quiet down Festival Village at the Dew Tour (one of the noisiest environments of all time) to pull this stunt off without anyone knowing … equals pure “I Love America” kind of joy. Capper Capper Fish, I think the Denver Broncos are going to need some love this year. Hmmmm, would you change anything if you were in front of 75,000 of our orange and blue fans?
Damn – Waco isn’t so WACO Anymore – BSR Cable Park
[YouTubeUlar] <— 131,651
Wow, what can I say. Last time I was in WACO, Texas – ummmm, isn’t that enough? Let’s just say none of this awesome BSR Cable Park shit existed. We had a hard time finding a bar open after 9pm and that’s no joke.
For $20 you can buy an all day pass to flip your meat on the Royal Flush water slide in front of other meat. Bring your own booze, or don’t – seems like they just don’t care. Which is what makes the BSR Cable Park in Waco, Texas awesome.
Apparently they were voted #1 wake park in 2013. I can see why. Here is some more info for you to chalk up.
[BSR Cable Park Homepage]
[BSR Cable Park Facebook]
[BSR Cable Park Instaslammms]
Coleman Sweeney is a Genius Asshole
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Are you a donor? Think about it.
“A year and a half in the making, the two-minute video – filmed by California-based production studio Furlined and featuring Thomas Jane, of the HBO series “Hung,” music written by Coldplay and a voiceover by actor Will Arnett – was posted on YouTube on Thursday with the goal of creating buzz and ultimately going viral, said David Fleming, CEO of Donate Life America.”
[Will the Real Coleman Sweeny Please Stand Up?] <— Read this
[registerme.org] <— Then do this
[Bonus Video] <— 2,547 Bonus Video
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No Comments – Just watch :)
Ok – Two comments. Welcome back Bjarne and keep making great work Mike Douglas.
Next Level Feiyu-Tech G3 Gimbals
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Feiyu-Tech G3 hand held gimbals are now body mountable. Delicious.
[Feiyu Tech]
Audi A3 – Grandpa Bode Miller – Out of Control
[YouTubeUlar] <— 203
Although I believe the Audi A3 is actually the first car from Audi that signifies the beginning of the downfall of sexy design from my favorite German auto manufacturer… I still love this car and especially love this commercial. Let me say it again… Bode Miller + Out of Control + Audi quattro = Genius.
For those of you new to my idealistic and very passionate representation of brands and technology here at hydle.com – I’ve been a major fan of Audi since the mid 1990s, bought my first Audi in 2003 (a 1997 A4 that now has 234,000 miles + counting) and picked up a 2013 S4 supercharged quattro just this past year. The original Audi quattro changed the automotive world. Similar to Apple releasing the macintosh in 1984… what Audi was doing in 1984 also took hold as the single most important development in the auto industry that would change my life down the road.
No pun intended… haha – It is hard to explain the difference of All Wheel Drive vs. 4 Wheel Drive vs. Audi quattro. I would gladly show you if you want to take a ride to the hills in our next snowstorm, but if you must read – start here. Or if you want to get your motion picture view on – go here.
Now, back to the beginning of the design downfall. How long does it take for a brand to lose it’s leadership in design? Well, let’s look at how long it takes to “build good design”, also known as “brand” an idea. It took an entire decade to build quattro and two decades to design and build the image of Audi around quattro. It can take decades to build something great… and design something that ultimately takes hold and is respected as a product leader, but in the end… I would have to say you can lose it much faster then it takes to build it.
Audi lost one of their key designers, Peter Schreyer to KIA back in 2006 and it is starting to take effect now. Peter Schreyer, who is now the President and Chief Design Officer of Hyundai and Kia Motors was brought into that company with a completely blank design slate… and look what he has done. I won’t be the first one to admit that I’ve double checked a few KIA models in the last two years, but what he is doing at KIA is working… and what Audi is doing is starting to slide. It may not be a big slide, and I certainly hope Audi hasn’t quite reached it’s peak in design, but remember… you lose it a lot faster than you build it. I hope Apple, my other lifelong power brand realizes this.
Ultimately Audi could lose all their design luster… and I would still drive one simply because there is zero comparison for quattro and there probably never will be. Obviously Audi is part of a larger Volkswagen Automotive Group, but who drives those? Volkswagen’s are for girls. Škoda‘s are for Russians… and SEAT‘s… ummm, no – don’t even get me started. SEAT’s are for chinese mexicans… but that is what they said about KIA’s before Peter Schreyer started design cars for them.
Perhaps I could graduate to a Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini or Porsche in the future years… but I highly doubt I will ever find the passion of owning and talking positively about these brands. KIA on the other hand … hmmmmm?
[Automotive World Interview with Peter Schreyer]
[Peter Schreyer ‘s Passion for Design Video] <— 4,136
Relentless – The Rob Dyrdek Story by Elite Daily
[YouTubeUlar] <— 153,668
Watch. Learn. Apply.
Congratulations Pikes Peak Hill Climbing and Proposing TJ Fry
Congratulations to good friends TJ Fry and Dani Rae for their successful engagement at the top of the 2014 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb :) Fry ran a 14:08.322 for his first hill climb up Pikes Peak, but more importantly delivered himself and his car successfully to the top in order to carry out his proposal.
I don’t have much else to say here… I Love Awesomeness and this is awesome. Watch the video below for the full story.
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