Google survey reveals what users want from mobile sites. Take note web creator’ists and mobile masters of the interManets.
Category Archives: Facts
Schui – Oktoberfest Tips
In order to receive full effectiveness of our short trip to Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany … I had to bring in the Schui for the list. My review will come soon … but for now – lets get caught up on the rules.
Then lets go TSOIGDH!
So first of all, locals call it “Wiesn” (it’s slang for meadow).
The best tents are:
Augustiner – Best tasting beer
Hacker-Pschorr – best party
all the Americans go the Hofbräu tent.
Don’t go to the Löwenbräu tent. only australians and shitty beer.Don’t drink the last sip of the stein.
Don’t fall asleep on a beer table. they will kick you out.on the weekend, go to the tends early (9-11am) because you won’t get a seat at a table later.
if you want to by a lederhose (leather pants, very traditional, authentic and fun) get it from “C&A”. It’s like a JC Penny or something but has the fairest prices for lederhosen.
Try the smoked fish on a stick.
try the white sausage.take a walk at the “english garden” and check out the beer garden at the “chinese tower”
Have fun and enjoy!
Top InterManets Sites in the US
Hugh MacLeod – #YayHappy
Make It Happen
When I was younger, I thought love just kinda happened. You met a girl/boy, you liked him/her, he/she liked you, then suddenly BAM!!!! Fireworks and happy ever after.
Luckily (as it turns out), it doesn’t work that way. It takes effort and deliberation. You gotta be proactive. “Random” might get you laid on occasion, but that’s about it.
That being said, it’s still a very happy cartoon… #YayHappy.
Pay Attention
Ken Block – Gymkhana Infographic
Not a common post from me – but DC actually reached out to blog owners and intermanets related peeps like myself to share this content.
AKA – I didn’t have to find it.
Now if only they were nice enough to provide direct links to their entire YouTubeUlar series of videos – duh.
[YouTubeUlar] <— 18,106,283
In the history of… this ridiculous “TSOIGDH” entry marks my 999th public blog post since May of 2009 – When I started this crazy world of blogging ideas, thoughts and Genius vs. Not Genius intermanents and social media successes or failures.
So for the sake of getting google credit for it…
Turning shit on it’s god damn head is going to be my 1 single inspiration for the next 999 blogpost entries. I can’t wait to open up my connection layer for all my loyal readers… so I can start finding out who you actually are.
Cheers to 999!
Facebook Owns
Sexting Rock Stars
The new stats are out for our text stars, and now they are finally relating texting levels to educational level.
“Texting is also directly related to education level, peaking at 69.4 per day for adults with less than a high school diploma and steadily decreasing as education level rises to 23.8 among those with a college degree or more.”
Hit me on my pre-pay… GoPhoneYourself.
Bamboo Blackbox Case Project = 100% Funded
Today is an exciting day!
At 10:08am I got a call from Matt Wells telling me he wanted to fund our project exactly. At 10:11am he pledged $83 for an iPad 2 Case which put us exactly at $25,000! Thanks for the help señor Wells and for being so cool to exactly pledge what was needed to get these screen shots. You are the man… right up there with all 204 of our other backers who pledged for 247 cases throughout our first fund raising goal.
If your still interested in picking up a Bamboo Blackbox Case for your iPad 2, MacBook Air or Macbook Pro — you have 1 week remaining to pick up a discounted first offering case! And there is still 37 iPad 2 cases available for only $79. These cases will never be priced this low again so grab one for the holidays!
Rock on!
Greg Hydle
TOTD – Humanity
We often forget who we are.
We often forget what is really important.
We often forget who’s really important.
We are so easily distracted.
We forget how to listen.
We forget.
Such an amazing reminder to us all… Thanks Hugh.
Colorado = Least Fat – Congratulations Us
“West Virginia (33.5%) has the highest rate of adult obesity of any US state, while Colorado (20%) has the lowest, according to new Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index data. The prevalence of obesity is nearly 35% higher, on average, in the 11 states with the highest obesity levels compared with the 10 states with the lowest obesity levels: 30.5% vs. 22.6%, respectively.”
Poke the Box
The End is Near
“Americans were much more positive about the effect of religion on their own lives in the 1950s and 1960s, including the historic high of 75% who said religion was very important in 1952.”
Are we just waiting for another disaster to strike?
You Are Not the Center of the Universe
[iDevice Link] <— 3,256,339 views. Just in case you were wondering... You are NOT the center of the universe. Thanks for reminding me Bob.